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Defense before offense

When you're in a financial bind, you have two options: control your expenses or boost your income. One of those options must be made before the other.

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5 Surprising Benefits of Budgeting

People often think that budgeting has one purpose: to control your spending. However, there are many other powerful benefits that should convince you to start budgeting in 2024.

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Why spending $5 matters

Spending $5 doesn't sound like a big deal. And usually it isn't. But for someone living paycheck-to-paycheck or needing to save money, how you think about the $5 purchase can make all the difference.

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The Worst Time To Buy Something

When you sit back and reflect on when you've overpaid for something, it's easy to come to a single conclusion as to why.

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Is social media draining your bank account? Here's how to stop it.

Gaining control of our spending habits can be difficult. And social media isn't helping the cause. Millenials cite that they've been influenced to spend more money due to social media, thus hurting their chances of financial success. But there are ways to stop this from happening.

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